4 Common Questions and Answers About Dental Cleanings

Dental cleanings are an important part of your oral hygiene routine. If you have questions about dental cleanings, we have answers. We want you to have the information you need to maintain healthy teeth and gums. As your dentist in West Salem, WI, we’re here to help! Below are four common questions and answers about preventative dental cleanings.

1. How often should I see the dentist for dental cleanings?

Typically, dentists recommend that their patients see them for dental cleanings every six months. Many dentists find six months is the right time between appointments for your teeth to stay healthy.

2. Why should I see the dentist so often?

Waiting longer than six months between dental appointments can lead to a buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth, leading to gum recession and other problems. In addition, many dental insurance policies will pay for dental appointments every six months. If you wait longer to see the dentist, you’re missing out on important dental benefits.

3. Will I get dental X-rays every time I come for cleanings?

Most of the time, dentists do not give their patients dental X-rays every six months. Dentists typically give their patients dental X-rays every year. While dental X-rays are considered safe, limiting how often you get dental X-rays can limit your exposure to radiation.

4. What’s the difference between a regular dental cleaning and a deep cleaning?

During a regular dental cleaning, the dental professional will clean plaque and tartar from your teeth. During a deep cleaning, the dental professional will clean the tooth roots to help stop gum disease.

Is it time for a dental cleaning in West Salem, WI? Call today to make an appointment.

4 Ways to Make Toothbrushing More Fun for Your Little One

Toothbrushing is an important part of maintaining good oral health, but not all kids enjoy brushing their teeth. Fortunately, the choices you make as a parent can help your child enjoy and try harder at this very important activity. As your child’s dentist in West Salem, WI, the professionals at Allen Dental are happy to offer support that can make this easier. Below are some things you can do to make toothbrushing more enjoyable for your little one.

1. Sing a Song

Children should brush their teeth for two minutes at a time, just like adults. You can give your child a timer to help them brush their teeth for the appropriate amount of time, but another way to keep track of the time is to teach your child a song that is only two minutes long that they can hum while they brush. If you watch your child brush their teeth, or if you brush your child’s teeth for them, you can do the singing.

2. Let Them Choose the Toothbrush

Give your child some control over their toothbrushing experience by letting them choose their own toothbrush. Choosing a toothbrush that your child finds attractive or interesting can make the process of brushing their teeth more personal for them.

3. Buy Them An Electric Toothbrush

Some kids just love gadgets. Electric toothbrushes make toothbrushing more interesting, and many electric toothbrushes are actually better at brushing teeth than people are. This means your child’s toothbrushing experience of brushing teeth can be more productive and enjoyable if you give them an electric toothbrush.

4. Brush Teeth Together

Make brushing your teeth a family affair, and brush your teeth at the same time that your child brushes their teeth. This allows you to monitor their toothbrushing habit and also makes the experience more enjoyable overall.

Want more ideas? Talk to your child’s dentist during their next dental exam in West Salem, WI.

Can Tooth Rot Happen Beneath Veneers?

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells of porcelain or composite resin material that are designed to cover the front surface of your teeth, improving their appearance and creating a beautiful, even smile. However, many patients may wonder if tooth decay or rot can occur beneath these seemingly impenetrable coverings.

Tooth Decay With Veneers is Possible

While veneers do provide a protective layer for the visible part of the tooth, they don’t cover the entire tooth structure. The areas where the veneer doesn’t cover, particularly near the gum line or between teeth, remain susceptible to decay. If proper oral hygiene is neglected, plaque and bacteria can accumulate in these areas, leading to tooth rot under the veneer.

Proper Veneer Bonding is Crucial

The bonding process between the veneer and your natural tooth is essential in preventing tooth decay beneath the veneer. A well-bonded veneer can help seal out bacteria and food particles, reducing the risk of tooth rot. It’s important to have your veneers placed by an experienced dentist in West Salem, WI to ensure a strong bond and minimize the likelihood of decay underneath.

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular dental check-ups are crucial in detecting any signs of tooth decay beneath your veneers. Your dentist can spot early signs of decay or issues with the veneer’s bonding and take appropriate action to prevent further damage. It’s recommended that you visit your dentist at least twice a year for routine examinations and professional cleanings.

Choose High-quality Veneers

Investing in high-quality veneers made from durable materials can help minimize the risk of tooth rot underneath. Porcelain veneers, for example, are less porous than composite resin, making them more resistant to stains and decay. Consult with your dentist to determine the best type of veneer material for your unique needs and preferences.

Tooth rot can indeed occur beneath veneers, but with proper dental care, regular check-ups, and high-quality veneers in West Salem, WI, you can minimize the risk and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Contact us today to learn more.

3 Reasons Cavities Often Go Untreated

Cavities are points of decay that require treatment so the issue will not continue to grow, and the problem is highly treatable in the beginning. However, it is not uncommon for people to not reach out to a dentist for cavity treatment in Salem until a cavity has progressed quite extensively.

1. Poor Understanding of the Risk

A small cavity can look like such a minuscule problem. After all, when the problem begins, you may barely notice anything, so the issue is easy to disregard. Unfortunately, once the enamel of the tooth has been compromised, the cavity can grow quickly and put the tooth at risk.

2. Lack of Dental Checkups

Dental checkups are one of the most critical components of proactive dental care. Many cavities are first discovered during a checkup. While you may see your teeth every day, the dentist takes a more in-depth look in places like below the gum line and in between teeth where cavities are hard to see.

3. Dental Treatment Anxiety

Dental treatment anxiety is a very real issue for many patients. Some have anxious feelings about the sensations of treatment, the tools used in the process, or even pain that may come after a procedure. With the right dentist, however, dental anxiety can be adequately managed. Numerous options are available to soothe fears and make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

Find Cavity Treatment with a West Salem, WI Dentist

When cavities are discovered and treated early, you may not have any further issues with an ailing tooth. Therefore, reaching out to a West Salem dentist promptly and working to achieve proactive care can truly save your smile. Reach out to us at Allen Dental to find out how we can help with cavity prevention and treatment.

3 of the Problem Points in Your Mouth for Cavities

A major component of general dentistry services in West Salem is tending to cavities patients have with the proper fillings to prevent further decay. While most people know that cavities can develop anywhere on their teeth, most don’t realize that specific points on the teeth can be more prone to decay than others. Let’s take a look.

Between the Teeth

Without question, the most common place for a cavity to begin developing is between the teeth. The areas between your teeth are notoriously hard to reach with general brushing, which is problematic because this is where food particles are most likely to get trapped. This is one reason it is so important to follow a good flossing regimen and get regular teeth cleanings.

The Posterior (Back) Teeth

The posterior teeth that are located at the furthest points of the jaw can be more prone to developing cavities than others. The teeth are harder to see when you look in the mirror, but also more commonly overlooked during brushing and flossing.

Distal (Back) Areas of Your Teeth

The distal surfaces of your teeth are closest to the tongue, so they are not readily visible when you smile or when you are brushing. These surfaces can be more prone to cavities because they are easy to miss when you brush, but also because the temperature in your mouth can be higher here with your tongue typically resting against the surfaces.

Got Cavities? Get Help from a West Salem Dentist

Cavities left untreated can lead to a high likelihood that you will lose a tooth. Therefore, looking for a West Salem dentist for help as soon as you realize you have a cavity is important. Reach out to us at Allen Dental if you believe you have a cavity that needs to be addressed.

Dental Cavities 101: Common Patient FAQs  

Cavities—the number one oral health threat among people of all ages. You’ve likely had one, you may have had one treated, and you may even have a cavity right now. Here is a look at some questions we hear most often about cavities as a West Salem dentist.

Why do you get cavities when you brush your teeth?

Brushing your teeth is definitely important to your oral health. However, just brushing alone is not always enough to prevent cavities from forming. For one, you may not hit every single surface of every tooth when you brush. Second, debris can get caught between teeth and just below the gum line where brushing does not reach.

Do you have to get a cavity filled?

Most dentists prefer to fill cavities once they are spotted because a filling can protect the tooth from further deterioration. However, other options may be available beyond fillings as well if you have just a small cavity. For example, if the cavity is only surface-level in the enamel, fluoride treatment may help to restore the damaged tooth enamel so you do not need a filling. This treatment is commonly combined with Solea laser dentistry to remove the damaged enamel quickly and painlessly without drilling.

Can a cavity spread to your other teeth?

Cavities are not contagious, so the presence of a cavity doesn’t mean the problem can spread to your other teeth. However, if you do get a cavity on one of your teeth, the likelihood of seeing others is greater. The reason is the presence of a cavity means conditions in your mouth are ideal for a cavity to form.

Talk to Your West Salem Dentist About Cavities

No cavity should be overlooked as unimportant, and new technologies like the Solea laser make cavities easier to treat than ever. Reach out to us at Allen Dental to schedule an appointment to have your cavity treated today!