4 Common Questions and Answers About Dental Cleanings

Dental cleanings are an important part of your oral hygiene routine. If you have questions about dental cleanings, we have answers. We want you to have the information you need to maintain healthy teeth and gums. As your dentist in West Salem, WI, we’re here to help! Below are four common questions and answers about preventative dental cleanings.

1. How often should I see the dentist for dental cleanings?

Typically, dentists recommend that their patients see them for dental cleanings every six months. Many dentists find six months is the right time between appointments for your teeth to stay healthy.

2. Why should I see the dentist so often?

Waiting longer than six months between dental appointments can lead to a buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth, leading to gum recession and other problems. In addition, many dental insurance policies will pay for dental appointments every six months. If you wait longer to see the dentist, you’re missing out on important dental benefits.

3. Will I get dental X-rays every time I come for cleanings?

Most of the time, dentists do not give their patients dental X-rays every six months. Dentists typically give their patients dental X-rays every year. While dental X-rays are considered safe, limiting how often you get dental X-rays can limit your exposure to radiation.

4. What’s the difference between a regular dental cleaning and a deep cleaning?

During a regular dental cleaning, the dental professional will clean plaque and tartar from your teeth. During a deep cleaning, the dental professional will clean the tooth roots to help stop gum disease.

Is it time for a dental cleaning in West Salem, WI? Call today to make an appointment.